Music and Lyrics
Daddy playing "baby guitar." I still remember back when we were swaddling Baby. He had just passed two months old, and our typical routine of getting him to sleep involved playing an eight-hour long video of the “shushing” sound because Dr. Harvey Karp (of Snoo fame) recommended “shushing” as one of his five “s” tips for calming a crying baby. It appeared to work, or at least help a little. But as Baby grew older, he seemed to be outgrowing the sound. I was thinking about this as I spoke with a coworker at Starbucks that day. It was a rare outing with Baby during maternity leave, and he managed to fall asleep under my nursing cape despite the loud and busy noise of the coffee shop around us. My coworker, who had two sons himself, asked how life was going, and toward the end of our conversation casually mentioned that it might help to play music for our baby at night. He played Joni Mitchell and other “easy listening” artists, recommending that we pick music that we, as...