Six Weeks
Ah, the first trimester. Even though I've blogged about it before , I'd forgotten about how "yucky" it can make you feel. The past few days I've woken up feeling still sort of bloated but more nauseous. Not like I need to barf every second kind of nauseous, but this kind of uncomfortable stomach/body mild nausea feeling that sometimes goes away with eating and sometimes doesn't. At first the feeling went away after morning was over (hence the term "morning sickness") but just today it pretty much lasted all day, which is not fun when you're also facing pregnancy fatigue and also chasing an almost 2-year-old. I guess it's some relief that Baby #1 slept in so I could sleep in a bit (even though I was up at least three times in the night feeling icky and having to pee), and then skipped his nap but went to bed early so we could have some evening time to rest. I want to say the babies were kicking my butt this weekend, but I know the kicking part...