
Showing posts from August, 2021

Mom Updates

What a wonderful big brother he will be! As we approach the end of August, there's a lot of excitement and change on the horizon. Where I work, college classes are about to begin. Our new library building is opening. It also happens to be my birthday week with the big 3-5 arriving in six days. Despite officially becoming "Advanced Maternal Age" as OBGYN doctors like to call it, I'm actually looking forward to the coming week. We have an at-home family brunch planned for Sunday, a quiet dinner out with Hubby after work on the evening of my birthday, and even a couple of private party movies planned (one at my mom's house and one with a theater rental!). None of this has much to do with being a mom except for the fact that it feels like a nice little reward for working that #momlife so hard--I mean, I am growing an entire human at the expense of my body and sleep while feeding, chasing, and ensuring the survival of another human at the expense of my free time (and s...

Then and Now

Boy have I grown! LOL. Despite showing earlier and feeling wider though, I weigh about the same as I did around this time with Baby 1! As I go through what may be my last ever pregnancy, I've started to notice the things that are both similar and different from my first. I thought it might be nice to document the experiences so I can remember both the "then" and the "now" of being pregnant even after it's all over. A major difference that I've noticed between my first pregnancy and my second is the itching. Or lack of itching. I remember my entire body itching in the shower with Baby 1, likely from my body stretching in places it never had to stretch before! With Baby 2, it seems my body is used to it. I'm definitely stretching just as much (if not more) than last time, but never feel any need to scratch! I was also lucky that the stretching body didn't cause any major stretch marks last time, so I'm hopeful that continues this time too (and ...