Tis the Season
As we enter October, many people think, "it's spooky season time" as we get ready for Halloween at the end of the month. I enjoy Halloween a lot--more of the pumpkin side of things than the say, zombie side--but I tend to think of October more as, "nice weather season time" after a long, long summer of triple-digit heat. Nice weather is especially important when you're pregnant (walking around with a large belly in the sun is no fun) and when you have a toddler who loves to play outside. We've finally been able to walk around the neighborhood with him again, visit local parks, and try some outdoor toys like his trampoline, car, and wagon. I also started decorating a bit for Halloween--the best I could do with a baby plus a baby on the way. My husband was a little worried that Baby 1 would be scared by our skeleton decoration, but he thought it was awesome! He ran up to "skull man," inspected his face with his hands, gave him hugs, and seemed ex...