I've been meaning to write this post since the uneventful second trimester, but pregnant mom life has got me tired . Even when Baby 1 goes to sleep a little early, giving us a little more time in the evening to do things, I'm so exhausted I either go to bed early or watch YouTube videos because I can't move off the couch. So what I mostly wanted to say about the second trimester is that you feel huge, but otherwise nothing happens (except an occasional craving for avocados). It's a good thing to have an uneventful pregnancy, but it also involves a lot of waiting: waiting to appear more obviously pregnant and not just wide, waiting for the next doctor's appointment and ultrasound, waiting to be close enough to start really preparing for a new arrival and not feeling like it's too early. And then suddenly you're in the third trimester thinking, "How can I be here already? Slow down!" The one word I use to describe my pregnancy with Baby 2 right now i...