Oh Those Sleepless Nights
I wouldn't exactly say I got a decent amount of sleep before Baby 2 came along. After all, Baby 1 was hit or miss whether he would completely sleep through the night or whether he would wake up once and need a soothing cuddle to send him swiftly back to dreamland. Not to mention the fact that after he went to bed I'd usually stay up a couple extra hours (or more) to have just a smidgen of "me time." But, I do have to admit I'd kind of forgotten just how "sleepless" the first few weeks (or months) of having a newborn can be. Because while it is possible to get some sleep, any rest you get is broken sleep, which is not exactly restful. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's been used as a torture tactic. Add to that an extra kid and I'm pretty sure I won't be getting any sleep for at least another two years.... Right now our nights go something like this: 7-8pm: Mom gets Baby 1 ready for bed (snack, teeth brushed, overnight diaper, and pajamas). Dad...