
Showing posts from April, 2022

Back to Work--Again!

We survived week one! (And week two and three). Hubby and I both started work again on the same day this time (March 28) after three months of parental leave. Three months bonding with our new baby, establishing a routine, and getting a reprieve from daily job duties ended in returning to our individual careers with a sigh. Hubby texted me that morning about how he missed our boys. I got down to business establishing a pumping schedule to ensure there would be enough breastmilk for the next day. We both were sad, but probably not quite as tearful as the first time around --perhaps because we'd been through this before, or perhaps because we had a rough, sleepless night right before and were focused on just surviving the day (The boys must have sensed a change that evening. Baby 1 also awoke early the night before I left for the hospital to give birth to his baby brother, so I know kids do pick up on big changes in us). My colleague also told me it does get easier the second time ar...