
Showing posts from July, 2022

No Time

There's no time like the present to post about having no time! My last post documenting motherhood with two children was in April and it's now July , which is a testament to how busy motherhood with two children keeps me. The baby has grown into a little 6-month old now (half a year already??), which means even more smiles, giggling at peek-a-boo and tickles, rolling onto his belly, and grabbing at toys and glasses. My toddler also officially turned 3! Which means singing entire songs ("Do Re Mi" is my favorite so far) and getting ready for preschool. Not that we've done a ton of prep so far other than reading a book about Daniel Tiger going to school--we're just excited he got accepted off the wait list to the preschool we really wanted! Next month we'll be working out all the scheduling details and participate in the age-old ritual of back-to-school supply shopping so he can choose his own backpack! The exclamation points are to hide my nerves at a brand...