Cry Me a River
Yes, this Willow Tree figure called "New Life" is just one of many things that made me cry this pregnancy. I have to admit, the second trimester isn't quite as frustrating as the first one. There are no more secrets to keep. There is no more nausea. I don't feel quite as tired anymore (but I still nap more than I ever did before). And even my acne has managed to calm down (Knock on wood! Knock on wood!). There are still some complaints present, however, and if I'm going to be documenting my pregnancy I regularly have to post both the good and the bad. There is still plenty of itchy skin. There is still plenty of random growth pains. I still have to go to the bathroom every time I stand up from the couch. Oh, and there's those lovely hormones that control my moods. I thankfully haven't had anything even close to depression so far this pregnancy, but that doesn't mean I've escaped the crying-for-no-reason stage (or crying for perfectly goo...