Second Trimester Begins!
I've made it to 14 weeks! That means I'm officially in the second trimester! Here's a quick recap of what pregnancy feels like right now.
No more nausea! That nauseous feeling but never quite throwing up left weeks ago and hasn't really come back, which is definitely a relief! No crazy food aversions or smells that drive me crazy, though the super sniffer can still detect smells a little more strongly than normal.
Baby bump! I finally have enough of a bump to be visible in photos, which makes me feel more like I'm actually pregnant and not just getting pudgy. Although when I wake up in the morning or look down at my belly, I still feel like I'm just getting pudgy. It will be a few more weeks before the belly completely forms into the kind of bump usually pictured with pregnancy. But that's at least something to look forward to about growing bigger by the day!
Still hungry, still get to eat! Most foods taste delicious, and while I don't have any specific cravings, I've moved away from primarily eating meats and cheeses. Baby seems to be able to handle veggies and sweets, though it doesn't want them quite as often as protein and carbs. I'm doing my best to try to eat a healthy diet--it helps that Baby's not addicted to sugar--but I still know I'm definitely eating more than I used to, because I'm hungry more than I used to be!
Skin on fire! I started with just a bit of itchy skin on my sides where my belly (and small stretch marks) have started to form. At my November 27 doctor appointment, I was assured that this is normal and also probably due to dry skin in the winter. But now, everything itches! Belly, legs, chest, back, and shoulders. It comes and goes, thankfully, but at night and first thing in the morning it can be more than a little annoying. Hubby has been kind enough to help me with lotion applications when I need it.
Gotta Go! Everyone said pregnancy will make you have to pee all the time, but it's only recently that this has become more noticeably true. It started a couple of weeks ago with waking up at 4am with the urge to go, and then falling back asleep until my alarm. Now, I gotta run to the restroom several times a day at work to feel comfortable. I'm thankful for my coworkers who understand the ins and outs of pregnancy though (many of them have been there!).
Energy? I'm still waiting for that second trimester energy that everyone keeps talking about to fully kick in. While there are admittedly fewer instances where I just want to pass out on the couch (now I just want to lie on the couch and play Spider-Man on PlayStation), I still don't have energy to pull off a grocery store run without coming home exhausted.
Unwanted bumps! I've already mentioned my lovely acne symptoms from trimester #1, but on December 1st I was also lucky enough to receive my third sty since pregnancy (I'm averaging one per month now). This one is the most obvious--a little red bump right on the outside of my eyelid that won't seem to go away. I'm told to give it time (and lots of warm compresses), but it's hard enough being patient waiting for a baby--now I have to be patient about other things too??
All in all, I can't really complain. I'm barely showing, have no complications (knock on wood), and my symptoms aren't that severe. With luck in a few weeks I'll be fully in the middle of the "golden" trimester, and feeling perfectly fine. Then I'll have such exciting things to look forward to as Baby movement and an anatomy scan to confirm gender. I know I'd better enjoy it now, because by the time trimester #3 rolls around, I'll probably feel like rolling myself right back into bed!
The Good:
No more nausea! That nauseous feeling but never quite throwing up left weeks ago and hasn't really come back, which is definitely a relief! No crazy food aversions or smells that drive me crazy, though the super sniffer can still detect smells a little more strongly than normal.
Baby bump! I finally have enough of a bump to be visible in photos, which makes me feel more like I'm actually pregnant and not just getting pudgy. Although when I wake up in the morning or look down at my belly, I still feel like I'm just getting pudgy. It will be a few more weeks before the belly completely forms into the kind of bump usually pictured with pregnancy. But that's at least something to look forward to about growing bigger by the day!
Still hungry, still get to eat! Most foods taste delicious, and while I don't have any specific cravings, I've moved away from primarily eating meats and cheeses. Baby seems to be able to handle veggies and sweets, though it doesn't want them quite as often as protein and carbs. I'm doing my best to try to eat a healthy diet--it helps that Baby's not addicted to sugar--but I still know I'm definitely eating more than I used to, because I'm hungry more than I used to be!
The Bad:
Skin on fire! I started with just a bit of itchy skin on my sides where my belly (and small stretch marks) have started to form. At my November 27 doctor appointment, I was assured that this is normal and also probably due to dry skin in the winter. But now, everything itches! Belly, legs, chest, back, and shoulders. It comes and goes, thankfully, but at night and first thing in the morning it can be more than a little annoying. Hubby has been kind enough to help me with lotion applications when I need it.
Gotta Go! Everyone said pregnancy will make you have to pee all the time, but it's only recently that this has become more noticeably true. It started a couple of weeks ago with waking up at 4am with the urge to go, and then falling back asleep until my alarm. Now, I gotta run to the restroom several times a day at work to feel comfortable. I'm thankful for my coworkers who understand the ins and outs of pregnancy though (many of them have been there!).
Energy? I'm still waiting for that second trimester energy that everyone keeps talking about to fully kick in. While there are admittedly fewer instances where I just want to pass out on the couch (now I just want to lie on the couch and play Spider-Man on PlayStation), I still don't have energy to pull off a grocery store run without coming home exhausted.
The Ugly:
Unwanted bumps! I've already mentioned my lovely acne symptoms from trimester #1, but on December 1st I was also lucky enough to receive my third sty since pregnancy (I'm averaging one per month now). This one is the most obvious--a little red bump right on the outside of my eyelid that won't seem to go away. I'm told to give it time (and lots of warm compresses), but it's hard enough being patient waiting for a baby--now I have to be patient about other things too??
All in all, I can't really complain. I'm barely showing, have no complications (knock on wood), and my symptoms aren't that severe. With luck in a few weeks I'll be fully in the middle of the "golden" trimester, and feeling perfectly fine. Then I'll have such exciting things to look forward to as Baby movement and an anatomy scan to confirm gender. I know I'd better enjoy it now, because by the time trimester #3 rolls around, I'll probably feel like rolling myself right back into bed!
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