It's Officially Official!

Last week we spent several days in hard core adulting, accomplishing such things as:

  • General cleaning and chores
  • Making a space for Baby in our bedroom
  • Making a space for nursery items in Hubby's "man cave" until the nursery is cleared out and ready for decorating
  • Spending four hours at a car dealership to get a vehicle big enough for strollers and car seats

While we're by no means done getting ready for Baby, our reward at the end of all the work was the anatomy scan 20-week ultrasound I've been waiting for!

Yesterday, January 16, I left work and headed over to the High Risk Pregnancy Center office where the ultrasound would take place. After a quick check of blood pressure and weight, they informed me that I would be getting two ultrasounds, one to check the cervix and then to see the baby.

And boy did we see Baby!

First, the top of the head, then little by little each body part--the heart with blood flow, the spine, the legs, arms, fingers, feet, toes! Hubby cooed at being able to see Baby's tiny features and I held his hand through the whole thing, gasping in awe as our tech identified each body part. She even looked at Baby's bladder, kidneys, and brain! I was so relieved to get to see my child again--it had been eight weeks since the last time!

Almost right away, however, the tech asked if we knew the gender and if we wanted to find out. Our previous ultrasound tech was 85% sure, but that was back when I was only 12 weeks along. We weren't positive, but we definitely wanted to confirm our suspicions. The tech asked if I had a guess. I told her we had a girl's name but not a boy's name, so of course it was probably going to be a boy.

Within seconds we were told for certain:'s...a...BOY!!!

Baby was cooperative enough to let us see between his legs, and we could go through the rest of the ultrasound calling him a "he." He was less cooperative in showing the exact angle of the head that our tech wanted to see, so she "lovingly" tapped the ultrasound wand on my belly several times to get him to move. Poor baby was probably wondering what the heck was going on out there!

Everything looked good according to the tech and the doctor who came in after to review the scans and take one last look at his spine. The only odd thing to note was that Baby was measuring at 21 weeks instead of 20--only about five days ahead, but bigger than I was expecting since both Hubby and I are on the short side. Better to be a little big than a little small though, as low birth weight is a concern in pregnancy.

The best part was just getting to see our baby as a real person--moving, turning, jerking his head like a tiny nod, opening his mouth in a yawn! The tech even captured that on video so we can watch it over and over again. The office we go to is amazing in how they immediately text you both photos and videos of your ultrasound experience as soon as it's over. I have the pictures to prove it!

After telling our immediate family that we're having a boy, I put together a video of my own to announce on Facebook all at once. I didn't really want to do a gender reveal party (nothing against those who do, it's just not my thing), so this was the one way I could get a bit creative with a reveal (aside from the pregnancy announcement, of course).

So now that we know, we don't have any excuses left to put off creating a registry (several people have asked) which may lead to a baby shower (now that's more my thing--baby games!!).

And now that we know, we don't have any excuses left to put off coming up with a name. That will be the next step: deciding just who HE is!


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