We're in the Endgame Now
We're in the endgame now, to quote a very popular superhero movie. Of course, this kind of endgame isn't quite as ominous as the one in Avengers: Infinity War and then Avengers: Endgame . We may be counting down the days until the end of pregnancy, and the end of our lives as a childless couple, but that's not exactly a bad thing. Especially given how badly this child was wanted and how I've officially reached a point in a fairly easy and enjoyable pregnancy where I'm finally just...done. Over it. Ready to get my body back to being my own and starting my new life as a parent. It's mostly because of how hard it's getting to move in and out of cars, up from the couch, and especially in and out of bed on my several bathroom trips each night. The right-side stiffness I mentioned before is now clear hip pain that gets worse when I move my right leg in certain directions or put too much weight on it. My doctor says this is normal, of course, as my body prep...