One More?? Surprise Shower!

It's really not easy to surprise me, since I'm the kind of person who is always looking at details, analyzing, and making predictions (perhaps the "scientist" side of the library science in me). That said, I really LOVE surprises! I try never hard not to get spoilers for my favorite movies and shows, I almost always asked for "surprises" as one of my birthday gifts as a child, and I've had arguments with Hubby over what makes the best gifts (he wants exactly what he tells you and nothing extra, I want something that I didn't tell you since it makes the gift less expected and more fun). So, despite having three previous baby showers already this pregnancy, I was absolutely THRILLED on the morning of May 11, 2019 when I walked into my fourth baby shower, and very first surprise shower.

It was a Saturday when I'm not usually on the other side of town, but I had to stop in to work for a presentation in the morning. Afterwards, one of my friends and colleague who is also in my book club and writing group suggested we have lunch together at my favorite French cafe nearby. I figured it would work out since I would be close to the cafe already, even if it meant having to rush back to my side of town afterward for our scheduled writing group meeting that rotates from close to my house to close to my work.

I left my presentation a few minutes late and messaged my friend to let her know I was heading over. When I arrived at the cafe, I saw some full two-person tables, but she wasn't sitting at any of them. Maybe she was on her way?

I looked around the restaurant before spotting a long table in the back--of course she wouldn't be sitting at a long table for our lunch date, I thought. But I noticed sitting at the table was a member of my book club. What a coincidence, I thought, that my book club member happened to be at this cafe on the same day as me and my friend (we're both friends with her). It didn't strike me as too odd, because we'd had several book club meetings at this very location. But as I walked over to say hi and maybe ask if she'd seen our friend, I noticed the other people at her table who slowly started to turn around. Another book club member. Three more writing group members. And then at last my friend who invited me to lunch turned around and everyone cried, "Surprise!"

My amazing book club and writing group friends got together to plan a secret baby shower in a private Facebook message group over the past five days! There was a beautiful diaper cake, wild animal and barnyard animal themed decor, books and cake pops, and little cards with words of wisdom to open at special times in Baby's life. There was even a gift of adorable stuffed animals--one for newborns and one for one-year-olds--that my friend gave me even though she'd already sent me several wonderful gifts. We feasted on mini salads and giant French croissants that were both so delicious and the perfect lunch. We stayed and talked for hours about babies, books, and writing. It was such a wonderful experience and I'm so glad we have so many pictures to remember it by.

I have the best people in my life. And it's so wonderful to know that this little baby has touched the lives of so many already. That he's already so loved.


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