What I want to do all day. No calls or texts, please. Lol. |
Due date is officially tomorrow! We are on Baby Watch 2019, as Hubby now calls it, and essentially we've been there since my maternity leave began on Tuesday. For a while the biggest update was that someone finally asked me if I was having twins (a great comment for the self esteem, as other pregnant ladies will attest to). However, every other comment I've received (solicited or unsolicited) has been positive, with even strangers wishing me good luck and saying, "you got this!"
Family and friends have also been especially supportive. My mom and my husband have helped so much with chores, making sure I don't lift anything, bend down, or even walk too far on my own. It's sweet, but I can still do things like buckle my own seat belt. I just might need a little extra help climbing out of the car. Each day, I get a flurry of texts, Facebook messages, and phone calls. They usually start with "How are you feeling?" and usually come right when I'm about to lie down for a nap. But again, I appreciate the enthusiasm. I know everyone really wants to know if there's been any news, but honestly, if something was happening, these are the people who I will be contacting first.
So is there anything new to report? Well, now that the nursery is done, I've spent most of my time off writing thank you notes (I actually sent 22 out of 65!), cleaning, resting, and waiting--on the edge of my seat to see if I feel a contraction or a trickle of my water breaking. Here's what I can update, however, for Baby Watch 2019:
At my doctor's appointment on May 28, I was 2 centimeters dilated already!
I definitely have lost my mucus plug (I'll spare you the details) as of May 31! My hip pain actually started getting a tiny bit better that day too, though probably unrelated?
Baby's birthstone will definitely be a pearl, alexandrite, or moonstone (depending on your preference), since those are the three birthstones of June. No more chance of a May baby as it's now the first of a brand new month!
What does this all mean? It means we still can't predict if labor will start in a few days or a few hours, as really only strong, close contractions or my water breaking means a trip to the hospital. But that also means we have to be ready at any moment for Baby to arrive, just in case.
Since most of the chores are done, and it's the weekend, and the start of summer, Hubby and I took advantage and had a little date day--rolling some summer fun into one morning and doing things that will be much more difficult to do once Baby is here in our lives. We went to our community pool around 7:40am, enjoying the early hour emptiness and snapping some photos of me in my maternity swimsuit to document my bump that may not be there for much longer. Then we changed and went out to Dunkin Donuts together, got haircuts, stopped by Starbucks for a snack (Dunkin's decaf coffee just tasted off to me today so Hubby offered to take me to Starbucks for another try--and he doesn't even like coffee!). Then we washed the car, stopped by the bank, stopped by the mall, and ended around noon at Carl's Jr. for lunch as we talked about our upcoming hospital experience. I actually wrote a birth plan the night before, even though I know nothing typically goes according to plan with these kinds of things. I mostly just wanted to put down some of my important medical notes (A- blood, mild anemia) and delivery room preferences (only Hubby in the room until we are ready for visitors after the birth). I'm absolutely open to pain medication, alternative pain management techniques, giving birth via induction or giving birth via c-section if it means my baby comes into the world safe and healthy. So at least I know I won't be disappointed if things don't go according to plan since I'm keeping an open mind regarding just about everything.
After such a busy morning, we're spending the afternoon resting on our living room couches, no plans and no activity. But I did get a sweet update from Hubby when he woke up briefly from a nap. He said he dreamed we were changing Baby for the first time! I was singing him a song about changing his diaper, and the way Hubby said that sounded so cute. Then, in the dream, he told me to wear gloves while changing the diaper, and I quipped back that I wasn't going to wear gloves to change my own son's diaper. Of course it was "all brown and stinky" according to him, but the dream ended beautifully. Baby spoke to us, plain as day, saying, "Mama, hold me!" over and over again.
Stay tuned for even bigger updates soon! If Baby doesn't come this weekend (on his due date or the day after) then I'll have my final doctor's appointment June 4 where we'll talk about induction. Even though we're in a situation that's impossible to predict, I think it's fair to say that, one way or another, Baby will arrive in this coming week!
I love this shot because I actually DON'T look like I'm pregnant with twins. |
Could these be my final bump photos?? Saving for posterity. |
Also, I love this maternity swimsuit from Amazon. My last chance to show it off! |
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