
A friend of mine asked me today if I've been super emotional since the birth of my child, because she knows about how women's hormones can be after birth. I told her my husband thinks I've been super emotional--I think I've been a normal amount of emotional. After all, I've been operating on evening sleep of anywhere between 2 and 6 hours (at the most, on a good day). Each week is a new challenge, from round the clock feeding, to breastfeeding pain, to colic, to Baby not wanting to sleep in his bassinet. Plus being cooped up and unable to sneak out to grab even just coffee (I. Miss. Coffee.). Then add the balancing of emotions: you want to sneak out but you also miss your baby and want him back the second you hand him off to someone else, even your husband. And, of course, there's the anxiety that comes with already thinking about going back to work at the end of maternity leave (not to mention the tears that come with recovering from surgery). Wouldn't you be a little emotional?

But that's enough "real talk" about life postpartum. Now that things are starting to settle a little, it's time to get back to the exciting side of motherhood. Most of this blog's early days documented the exciting milestones of pregnancy. But of course being a new mother and having a new baby comes with its own awesome milestones along the way.

For example, Baby had his one-month birthday three days ago! I commemorated it on Facebook with a photo showing the month and an adorable onesie with a typewriter and quote ("So my story begins..."). I also noted some of my son's likes, dislikes, and abilities at this stage. For example, of course he eats and sleeps all day as he's still in that newborn stage (until at least another month). He hates to be cold and hates waiting too long to eat, but loves to roll on his side and can sometimes lift his head! (Though not yet a fan of "tummy time" while lying flat, he does do tummy time on Hubby's chest). Toys don't interest Baby yet, but he can track objects with his eyes. Like the other day when Hubby was feeding me a mini hamburger slider from Carl's Jr. Baby was definitely watching it move up and down while he nursed! Perhaps he will be a big Carl's Jr. fan like his dad!

While he can't yet dance on his own, Baby does enjoy dancing with his dad to music from Dance Dance Revolution and the movie Coco (sometimes it can lull him to sleep, or at least distract him from crying long enough for me to eat before feeding him). He often falls asleep in my arms after feeding too. Even more exciting? His tiny fists grab onto shirts and sometimes punch us in the face! I was actually super proud on July 6 when my son pulled my glasses off my face for the first time! It sounds silly, but it shows how strong and coordinated he is already.

This morning, Baby also had his one-month pediatrician check-up and was told he got an A+ bill of health. He reached 8 pounds, 7 ounces (compared to a birth weight of 7 pounds, 4 ounces) and a length of 21.5 inches (a whole 1.5 inches longer than birth--he's really growing!). His head circumference is 38 inches, putting him in the 67th percentile (will he be a genius with a big brain?), and everything else looked good for being on track with his age.

Now our families just await other milestones to come. Like I anticipate when his hair grows longer, as it already looks like it might have a tiny bit of curl in it like my own. We can't wait to see his final eye color either (Brown like Daddy's? Green like Mommy's? Blue like his grandmother's?). Both my parents and Hubby's parents are eagerly awaiting when he is old enough to go out in public and when he takes a bottle so that they can start to babysit. And, of course, before we even get to walking and talking, there is the upcoming milestone of when life with a baby gets a little physically easier, and he rewards you with being old enough to laugh, play with, and sleep through the night.

The waiting can be hard, which is why each milestone that we reach is something to celebrate and distract us from living too much in the future. That way we can enjoy the present. After all, I've had my fair share of waiting already. I lovingly tell to my dear son now:

I waited 9 months to greet you.
I waited 10 months to create you.
I waited 10 years after knowing for certain that I wanted to be a mother.
And I waited 25 years after first dreaming of being a mother.

So let's celebrate every part of it.


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