I Love...
...watching you wake from a nap, your arms stretchy stretching, twitching, back arching, fists clenched as you rub your eyes squeezed shut. Sometimes you yawn. How can a person so little already act exactly as all the big people do when they wake up?
...listening to you talk. They may be one-sided conversations, but I try to answer, even if I don't know your language yet. The faces you make, with eyebrows raised and lowered as you coo and cry softly tell me you are doing your best to communicate--I'm the one who's not advanced enough to understand. But I'll feed you and change you, and hope that that helps.
...holding you in my arms as we dance through the house. Sometimes it's just up the stairs to grab more baby wipes. Sometimes it's to try to calm you when you scream. Sometimes you squirt loudly into your diaper as we step, and I feel the warmth against my arm where your diapered seat rests. I don't mind, because you are a baby and nothing you do is awful. I laugh, because you are my son and bring such fun to all you do.
...running my hands through your soft, soft hair. More comforting than even your baby-soft skin. Your hair twirls and curls as you grow, and I cannot wait to see full ringlets, as I beam, secretly pleased, that your hair is like mine.
...oh those sweet little parts that make up your face! Not just gorgeous wide eyes and a precious smile that you give out nearly every day now. There's your eyebrows that furrow so expressively to show your confusion, and sometimes anger. But more often than not, you grace us with a one-eyebrow raise (always the right one), that lets us know you're taking us all in--perhaps thoughtfully, perhaps skeptically, but so cleverly. And also, more recently discovered, two perfect, tiny dimples that appear just above your lips when you smile. I have no idea where they came from, but I feel a silly sense of pride that my child has a rare but nearly universal attribute of cuteness.
...cheering you on as you work your way through every accomplishment, from strong kicks to holding your head up at "tummy time." You grabbed an object! You rolled to one side! You scooted yourself forward on the carpet! You learned to put one foot in front of the other when held upright. You track us with your eyes. They may seem small to others, but for being on this planet for only two months, they are huge milestones for you, and amazing to us. You are strong and smart already, as we knew.
...staring at you, yes, even when you cry. I always want to make it better. But oh, is it a joy to stare at you when you stare back! So curious about the world you are, and your dad and I hope we are an important part of your world.
...so much else. Every bit of you. How new and exciting you are! And I can't believe there will be even more things to do with you and love about you as you grow bigger and as we discover more about who you decide to be.
But always remember: I love you.
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