
Despite the challenges of being a new mom, there's definitely a lot to look forward to! Though we know Baby won't be walking or talking for a while, in the early morning on September 27, I dreamed he said his first word! Hubby was out of the room, but in the dream I heard my son say in a tiny adorably high voice, "!" I was thrilled and urged him to do it again so my husband could hear. In an all-knowing voice he then whispered faster, "Ba-by."

I don't really expect Baby's first word to be "Baby" or even "Mommy," since these sounds are harder than "Mama," "Dada" (probably the easiest), and "ball," (my brother's first word). But it's nice to think about the exciting milestones of the future.

Baby had an exciting milestone of his own the night before, on September 26 when he met his baby cousins at a family party! Though usually quite social, it was getting a little late in a loud and crowded setting, so his big smiles from earlier in the day turned into more of a sleepy stupor as the moms eagerly photographed the baby reunion. Still, he did touch a hand to his almost one-year-old cousin's thigh and she tried to comb his hair with a baby comb. The third cousin crawled off on her own. It was three times the adorableness.

Finally, on the morning of September 28, Baby hit the milestone of rolling over for the first time! He went from tummy to back all by himself (he's still working on back to belly rolling, which is definitely harder). Of course, I was in the shower and missed it! But Hubby got to see it, and that made me happy. Plus, Baby repeated his feat that evening and I caught it on video! We're so proud of our little one--no longer a newborn, barely an infant, but definitely a full-fledged baby!


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