Fall Y’all

Fall has pretty much always been my favorite season—except maybe as a school-age kid when summer vacation was everything, of course. But as an adult, I love everything about fall. The orange and brown colors of leaves, gourds, and baked goods. The smell of the spices (yes, I’m a PSL kind of girl) and the smell of crisp morning air. The chill of cool breezes that mean a break from triple-digit desert heat. Which also brings scarves and flannel, boots and long sleeves. Then there’s the anticipation of upcoming holidays and all the fun they bring: Food! Family! Decor!

I haven't had much time to decorate during my favorite season in the past few years, unfortunately. The year 2017 I was deep into wedding plans when fall rolled around (we got married early December). In 2018 I was pregnant and exhausted. Now in 2019 I have my new little one to attend to. But while I might not have time to decorate my house inside and out, I can at least get my little one in on the fun and dress him up for the season.

October 5 brought about Baby's 4-month birthday, and I photographed him in a new pumpkin onesie. Hubby and I are also planning harvest photos next week at a local pumpkin patch (I can't wait to see how they turn out and share them)!

Fall has brought plenty of baby milestones unrelated to the season as well. Just before 4 months, at the end of September, Baby rolled over for the first time! First from belly to back, then later (in the presence of our parents and not us, unfortunately) from back to belly, which is even harder. He has yet to repeat the feat in front of us, but boy does he try!

At his October 9 well check for 4 months, Baby got an A+ bill of health from the pediatrician. He measured in at 13 pounds and 10 ounces, 24 and 3/4 inches long, and a head circumference of 42 centimeters! Of course, there was another round of vaccines, which Baby did not like at all. Not that I expect anyone to enjoy getting shots, but he cried harder and louder than he did when he got shots two months ago. It broke my heart to see his cheery this-place-is-interesting face transform in seconds to a tomato red what-did-you-do-to-me?? face. As soon as it was over I scooped him up and bounced him close to my chest, doing my best to console him through his cries. It worked! He was quiet by the time we got to the checkout counter at the doctor's office, and thankfully even smiled back at me a little when I changed his diaper once we got home. He did not feel permanently betrayed.

Then the next morning, on October 10, Baby was napping in my husband's arms while I went off to work. Hubby called me to whisper into the phone that our son just did the cutest thing: he laughed in his sleep. Now he's smiled in his sleep before, but laugh? That was brand new. Of course the bigger reason Hubby had to report this news immediately is because he knew this is something I myself do in my sleep! (Hubby has heard it many times before). And after a busy day and scary shots, the fact that my baby boy can still find joy even in his dreams gives me hope that overall he is happy. That maybe he will be a positive person like his mom--an optimist who believes in the end, things will be okay.

I can't help feeling pride too that he's revealed he is his mother's son.

As the season of fall continues, we're moving into the real fun of prepping for the holidays. Like choosing a costume for Baby's first Halloween!


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