Baby's First Christmas

Of course every holiday with Baby is going to be new right now--but Baby's first Christmas seems especially important to document. Christmas is one of the biggest holidays of the year, and has held so many special traditions and memories with my own family before Baby came to be. Now that a first baby is in the picture, of course we're going to go all out!

We started the celebrations early, with Baby's visit to Santa before Thanksgiving. Early November might seem a little early, but we wanted to go before the event got too crowded, and before Baby got too tired. We ended up first in line to see the jolly man! Even better, he remembered Hubby and me from last year, and was just as nice as ever! Baby didn't cry when placed on his lap, though it helped that we had his favorite toy on hand to get an actual smile for the photo.

Then once December rolled around, I continued the celebration by setting up a little tree, playing Andrews Sisters carols for Baby, and experimenting with Christmas photos myself. I set up white twinkle lights and props given to me by Baby's great great aunt (a blanket that said "Baby's First Christmas" and a Rudolph Reindeer stuffed animal with nose that really glows!). I tried downstairs, in the nursery and at my parents' house under their tree. While I'm still not great at manual photography, Baby's look of wonder was priceless!

Five days before Christmas, Baby's great aunt hosted a family gathering at her house to celebrate Hubby's grandmother's birthday. It was a wonderful time to visit with cousins, aunties, uncles, and grandparents! Then she hosted again on Christmas Eve for a smaller crowd, and after spending the day with my parents, Baby got to make an appearance there too. We took fun "elf" photos in his green outfit and cap at both locations. Since Baby doesn't quite get the concept of gifts just yet, photos are definitely the best (and my favorite) way to celebrate!

That weekend, one of my dearest friends was in town with her kids, so Baby got to be held by his "cousins" and open adorable gifts from them (toys, clothes, and "Baby's First Christmas photo frame with "mom and dad first Christmas" mugs too! This was my first Christmas as a mom!). The weekend after brought another dear friend into town with a brand new Star Wars suitcase as a Christmas gift for Baby's upcoming travels, and then he got to play with her baby (a one year old "cousin" too!).

But Christmas Day was best of all.

Hubby was kind enough to indulge my desire to try matching pajamas for the first time this year, and the ones I found on Amazon were too cute too pass up! Baby and Hubby both looked especially sharp in their navy blue pinstripes. The pajamas were also super comfy and practical (I'll be wearing them on nights beyond Christmas), and they allowed us to compose great, balanced photos without appearing too silly.

Of course, Christmas Day Baby woke up early--5am early--and it wasn't to open presents. He was just ready to go downstairs and be awake until his next feeding. So we went downstairs and took some baby and family photos (and opened a few family gifts) before he got cranky and wanted to nap again. After waking again at 7am and 9am, we were finally ready to start the day with a visit to my parents' for the big celebrations. (To grandmother's house we went!).

My mom decked their whole living room in presents, circling a beautifully lit tree that even had a train running around the base. The couch was moved so that the center of the room remained clear for opening presents and getting a perfect view of Baby discovering his new toys. We all enjoyed a lovely Christmas breakfast together, and then spent the next three hours opening presents and taking pictures. Highlights included precious Christmas ornaments, adorable pigs (Baby was born in the year of the pig), an elephant that plays Peek-a-Boo, a perfect sized Teddy bear, lots of books, and a special CD of lullabies recorded by Baby's uncle. All in all, it was a wonderful first Christmas and perfect day.

We stopped by great aunt's house briefly afterward to say hi to aunts and cousins, and then came home for a much-needed nap (for all of us). The night ended with baby practicing his crawling (he's getting so close!), and then Mommy and Daddy giving Baby tickles until we all cackled with glee.

I also decided on an annual tradition of Christmas ice cream that Baby can join us in next year. It's something different (given it's wintertime) but something we can all enjoy and make our own. Now with a fun (and early) New Year's celebration just passed, we've officially survived the holidays with Baby and made them truly memorable.


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