Just One of "the Boys"

I started saying it a little before my second son was born. "We should get this for the boys." "I can't wait to take the boys." The phrase sounded both familiar (we called my brothers "the boys" growing up) and yet foreign at the same time. I was going to have two boys. They were now "the boys."

It was like the day after our wedding when Hubby and I got a couple's massage at our hotel's spa. I came out of the session and approached the front desk since Hubby was no where in sight. "I'm just waiting for my husband," I said. At the time saying "husband" sounded foreign, but also exciting. I could say "husband" now. I can say "boys" now. They're both here, and it's fun to refer to them as a unit because they are our unit. Our kids. And I'm sure as they grow older they will be even more of a unit--peas in a pod, partners in crime--instead of just baby and toddler.

There's not much Baby 1 can do with Baby 2 just yet, but he sure does love to get close to him and give him kisses (until he starts crying). So we wait for Baby 2 to grow, hoping it comes soon but at the same time doesn't happen too fast. He already feels heavy on one arm at almost 9 pounds, but I don't want to lose his newborn-ness too soon (tiny toes, that fresh baby scent), especially if he ends up being my last.

The good news about time passing, however, is that I've reached a really good point in my birth and C-section recovery. First, I'm not really bleeding anymore, which is a relief. With my first baby the postpartum bleeding stopped at almost 6 weeks to the day. This time I've had light spotting hang around for just a little while longer, but it kind of barely counts.

Even better: at around five weeks the pain in my abdomen was just occasional soreness if I was just a little too active. At around six weeks the pain in my abdomen is completely gone (knock on wood!). Though I'm still taking it slow, my doctor cleared me to return to "normal" activities (as normal as life with two young boys on maternity leave can be). What this does mean is that I can drive, climb stairs as much as I want, and even lift my toddler! I try not to carry him up and down stairs, but it's been so nice to be able to pick him up again to comfort him when needed--and realize how heavy he's gotten! My abdomen doesn't seem to mind, but my back sure notices the difference!

I can hardly believe so much time has passed. We're actually halfway through the maternity leave at this point, which always makes me a little sad. But there is one really good thing about time passing with my boys--I get to see some really special milestone moments each step along the way. Our most recent development is that every once in a while Baby 2 will flash us a real smile! It won't be long before he's laughing, rolling over, crawling, walking. I can't wait! And yet I can....

I'm happy that the boys are learning new things every day (Baby 1 is constantly talking--repeating and applying new words--and I adore it!). But I hope they don't grow up too fast!


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